Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 26

Yesterday was a good day.

I didn't run, but thought about it. There is still the smallest of kinks in the right side of my lower back. Nothing painful, but just a little pull every now and then. I didn't want to aggrivate it unnecessarily.

Food-wise, I did good as well, and reversed an old habit as well. I think I wrote that I was going to skip having a shake yesterday morning, but ended up making one anyway. Through the course of my walk with the pup I got a few hunger pangs, and decided to answer them rather than try and soldier through without eating anything.

I had some leftover chicken for lunch, and then the rest of it for dinner. A couple of tangerines, a handful of rice cakes, and that was about it.

I made an effort to drink a bit more water, too, so that made me fell pretty good too.

The big thing that I overcame was this: Sometimes, pre-this whole change my life thing, I would show up for work and my very generous boss would offer to buy lunch for the two of us. In times past, even if I had already eaten lunch, I would accept his offer and have a second lunch. Yes, two lunches. And no, not like two salads. More like a Wendy's burger and fries meal, followed by a bacon-and-cheese omlette with home fries. Yesterday, when he offered, I at first contemplated having a salad (old habit's die hard, don't they?), then thought about getting the fruit salad (which would have been a fine choice, but a. I wasn't hungry, and b. I don't need to eat simply because it's offered to me).

So I resisted. I went to pick up his lunch, had a tangerine and some water, and made it through.

So that was my day. Now, the facts:

Day 25 food:

Shake (banana, blueberries, vanilla no-fat yougurt, ice, splash of OJ)
Mexican chicken (chicken, rice, guacamole, peppers and onions, cheese)
Mexican chicken (chicken, rice, guacamole, peppers and onions, cheese)
Quaker quakes rice cakes (2 servings)

Day 25 exercise: Four long walks (!!)

Daily weight: 258 (down 29)

So that's about it. The new work schudule is good for my diet actually. No lingering around the house wondering if I'll eat or not. Feels pretty good.

Thank you for reading!


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