Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 11

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. Not too many hard choices, not too much struggle.

I chose a salad for lunch, had the dressing that came with it (it probably wasn't super-good for me, but oh well), and soup for dinner (from Canter's).

I am at a point now where I'm starting to miss pot, sort of like I would miss an old friend. I know that's corny to say, but it's true. It gave me comfort, it kept me company, it helped me pass the time. And now I don't have it.

I'm just beginning to feel that way about food as well. But because I'm seeing changes in my body on a daily basis, I am not specifically missing the bad food. And my cravings have been pretty well in-check.

And on a good note, my pants are starting to droop. I am catching the back of my pants on my heel, because my stomach isn't as big, and thus my pants fall down a bit. That made me quite happy!

So, some facts.

Day 10 good:

Shake (yougurt, ice, splash of OJ, blueberries)


Caesar salad with grilled chicken



Matzoh ball soup with chicken and rice


Daily exercise: Extended one of the walks with Tessie, but other than that pretty much the same.

Daily weight: 269 lbs. (down 18)

So that's the view from here. Today should be a pretty basic day as well. Wish me luck!

And thanks for reading!


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