Day 82
Yesterday wasn't the best day food-wise, not that it was a terrible day. But, I don't think I ate too well.
The day started with a banana and a breakfast bar. From there, I went to work. Once home from work at 1:00 p.m., I had a popcorn cake. Then, therapy. After getting home from therapy, I had some grapes and then went for a run.
I ran 2 miles, which made me very happy. But when I got back from the run, I felt wiped out, so I ate a bunch of grapes and two more popcorn cakes. That gave me my energy back.
Finally, instead of lunch or dinner, I went to the movies with a friend to kill some time between mid-day and my evening plans and ate popcorn. And that was all I ate for the day. Nothing too nutritious to speak of.
Oh well...
So, just the facts:
Day 81 food:
Breakfast bar
Popcorn cake
Grapes (about 25)
Popcorn cakes (2)
Popcorn (large bag)
Day 81 exercise: Four long walks plus 2 mile run
Daily weight: 229 lbs. (down 58)
So, I'm up early today. I am going back and forth on whether or not to run this morning. I think I can pull it off. I am mostly planning on running tonight because I am having dinner down in Orange County tonight after work and won't have time to run during the day.
Thanks for reading!

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