Day 72
Okay, yesterday was a good day and a mildly miserable day as well.
Everything started off just fine. Breakfast bar plus a banana, work in the morning as normal (though I only drank one glass of water while there), and then home to wait for the cable guy.
According to Time Warner, they no longer offer the very nice service of calling 30 minutes before the technician shows up, so I had to sit at the house from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and wait for the guy. Well, 3:00 p.m. came and went, and nobody showed. Nobody even called to say he'd be late. So I get back on the phone with Time Warner and encounter some of the rudest people you can imagine. I wasn't being a total peach myself, but I was the one being screwed over, right? I had assured the guy I work for in the afternoons that I would be to his place by 4:15 p.m. to pick his kid up from school.
In the 45 minutes it took me to actually get somebody to help me out at Time Warner, the technician showed up. He couldn't figure out the problem, nor could he speak English to actually tell me what to do. And then he left. (In the meantime, my boss called to say he'd be home for his son after all, and he very graciously allowed me to be even later.)
So now it's 4:30 p.m., the technician has left and I have no clue what is wrong with my cable and internet, and no clue how anybody is planning on fixing it, and I call Time Warner back, and I get one of the most evil women I have ever encountered on the phone, and she tells me that the next time somebody can come out to help me is next Monday. So, a total of 12 days without cable or internet, and nobody at Time Warner seems even remotely concerned with this.
All of this comes down as I'm on the phone driving down Sunset towards work in dastardly traffic and I'm shaking, so mad at this company and all of the people that screwed with me throughout the day, and I finally had to pull over, because all I wanted to do was eat. That's it. I was two blocks away from Arby's (yes, we still have Arby's out here), and I knew if I reached there I would break down and stuff myself.
I took myself out of the traffic, called my boss and told him I wouldn't be in at all (he was very understanding), and turned around and went to the movies and ate popcorn (it's like being high without the pot). Pan's Labyrinth, by the way, which was decent but not amazing.
Then home after the movie, resolved to find a new cable company, and and much calmer. I went for a run (I did 1 1/4 mile!), and had a can of soup for dinner and called it a night.
Another desperate desire to eat and eat and eat, but I pulled through this one as well. This was actually a pretty close call.
So, thanks for reading all that. Now, some facts:
Day 71 food:
Breakfast bar
Popcorn (large)
Arnold Palmer (half lemonade/half iced tea)
Chunky chicken gumbo (entire can)
day 71 exercise: Three long walks plus 1 1/4 mile run
Daily weight: 233 lbs. (down 54)
Today, hopefully, will be a normal day. I'm even hoping for a grilled chicken Caesar salad.
Thanks for reading.
(Oh, by the way, I'm able to get internet access because a neighbor somewhere around here has an unsecured wireless network... That's saving my life!!)

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