September 28, 2007 (It's a glandular problem!!)
Good morning blog-o-sphere!! Entering Day 3. So far, so mediocre. I have managed to not eat any cookies, cake, cheese, or other seemingly lard-y substance for two days. I have, though, managed to eat a boat-load of sherbert. In my mind, the sherbert is a bridge, a crutch, a final vestige of my past transgressions. As methadone is to heroin, so too is my sherbert to nutter butters and Ben and Jerry's.
I did not run yesterday. Instead, I took the pup up for a hike on Runyon Canyon, about a 3 mile walk door-do-door, with some pretty tough hiking thrown into the middle. Once again, I felt like I was on deaths door at the peak, but felt great about doing it (albeit sweaty).
And aside from massive quantities fo sherbert, I did manage to eat well. Soup for lunch, and rice, chicken, salsa and guacamole (from Chipotle) for dinner.
I also hit the grocery store, and now have some fruit in the house as well. Yum.
So that's that. Day three is underway. I will do my best to avoid the trappings, but might fail later tonight as I will be attending a birthday party. First we're going to a movie (no popcorn due to all the dental work I'm having done), then off to Chinese food at 10:30 p.m. Oh, yumm. I will do my best to discipline myself.
Wish me luck!
(Oh, regarding the paranthetical above... My doctor has determined that I have a sluggish thyroid, so I start this morning taking a pill for it. Whoo-hoo! One of the side effects of the pill is "weight loss." Sign me up.)
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