Introducing... yoga.
Yesterday I received a couple of yoga DVDs from Netflix. One of them would probably be a bit easier if I didn't have a big belly in the way, but the other was pretty good. It's called A.M. and P.M. Yoga for Beginners. Hopefully I can keep it up and do it a few mornings or eveings a week.
I did good with the food yesterday as well, though things worked in reverse. Banana in the morning, Chipotle for lunch, then cottage cheese with strawberries and granola for dinner. No snacking either.
I did see a commercial for hot dogs, and I never thought a hot dog could look so delicious. The good thing, though, is I didn't feel torn. I feel pretty resolute about keeping up with this, and while a hot dog would sure taste good, losing weight feels better.
So that was the day. Now, some facts:
Day 9 food:
Burrito bowl (chicken, rice, peppers and onions, salsa, guacamole, corn)
Cottage cheese, strawberries and granola
Day 9 exercise: Three long walks and yoga exercise
Daily weight: 270 lbs. (down 14)
I feel like I need to start eating something different than the same things I've been eating... I think I need to hunt down a good salad, or perhaps a chicken something, or something. Who knows.
Thanks for reading!
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