Saturday, May 17, 2008


I started to get a bit of cabin fever yesterday stuck at home with the pup, but it's worth it for her. That said, I just sort of snacked throughout the day then ate too much thai food for dinner. Ugh.

We did get in three long walks, which was good.

I started the day with some cottage cheese, banana, and granola. (For the record, bananas with cottage cheese doesn't taste as good as strawberries with cottage cheese). Then throughout the day I had two granola bars. By around 8:00 p.m., I ordered chicken satay (rubbery) and the steamed chicken dumplings from Sunset Thai. The dumplings weren't as good as I remembered them from the night before (so that habit is now dead).

After dinner, I finished off the sherbet and had another granola bar. Too much snacking!!

Anyway, that was the day. Here, the facts:

Day 17 food:

Cottage cheese, banana, granola
Granola bars (2)
Steamed chicken dumplings (16)
Chicken satay (3 pcs.)
Granola bar
Sherbet (large serving)

Day 17 exercise: Three long walks

Daily weight: 269 lbs. (down 15)

My back is starting to feel back to normal, but not 100%. Another day or two and I should be good to resume my yoga exercising.

Anyway, today's another shut-in day.

Thanks for reading!


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