The streets of Los Angeles
There are three things in Los Angeles: quiet residential streets, large highways, and the avenues that connect the two. These avenues are like an enormous oversized Vegas buffet, offering, even at one in the morning, your choice of almost anything you could possibly want. Coming home from a poker tournament last night (I didn't win...) I struggled not to stop somewhere for something. From telling myself to be good (I'll get some sherbert!) to just saying fuck it (In and Out Burger anybody?), it took all I had not to stop. Not easy.
Anyway, the day wasn't that bad though. A banana early on, soup for lunch, a bunch of cherries mid-day, and for dinner a salad from the salad bar at the supermarket. I have no clue which dressing I ended up using because they were all mis-labeled, but I'm certain it wasn't fat free or in any way redeeming. I did my best to not overload the salad though, and think I succeeded.
At the poker tournament, there was more to snack on than you could believe, but I just kept drinking my water and forced myself to ignore the food all around me.
Anyway, that was the day that was. Now some facts:
Day 10 food:
Chicken and sausage gumbo (entire can)
Salad (lettuce, peppers, corn, croutons, chicken nubs, mystery dressing)
Day 10 exercise: 20 minute yoga exercise and three long walks
Daily weight: 270 lbs. (down 14)
So today I'm heading to Palm Springs (more poker...), and will be confronted with a lasagne. Must only eat a small portion!!
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